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Psychotherapeutische Hochschulambulanz

Fürst-Johann-Moritz-Straße 8-10
57072 Siegen

Tel.:    +49 (0)271/740-5550

Die telefonischen Sprechzeiten finden Sie hier.

Außerhalb der telefonischen Sprechstundenzeiten ist eine Terminvereinbarung nur über das Kontaktformular möglich.


Psychotherapeutic Ambulance of the University of Siegen

Welcome to the homepage of the Psychotherapeutic Ambulance of the University of Siegen. Finding appropriate treatment and the right therapist can be challenging. The Psychotherapeutic Ambulance of the University of Siegen offers state-of-the-art psychotherapy for adults, children, and adolecents, according to contemporary practise guidelines. Our state-licensed psychological psychotherapists are qualified to treat any psychological disorder.

New address for the Psychotherapeutic Ambulance of the University of Siegen

We would like to inform you that the Psychotherapeutic Ambulance will be relocating, being attainable from November 06, 2023 under the new address:

Fürst-Johann-Moritz-Straße 8-10, 57072 Siegen

You can reach us by public transport (bus, train; walking distance three to five minutes)or if you arrive by car, you can use one of the surrounding parking garages.

Treatment offer

Who is eligable for treatment? What approaches of psychotherapy and settings are available? What is offered at the Psychotherapeutic Ambulance?


How can I get acces to psychotherapy at the Psychotherapeutic Ambulance of the University of Siegen. How does therapy work?


Are there any costs for me for the treatment at the Psychotherapeutic Ambulance of the University of Siegen? Does my health insurance cover the costs for psychotherapy?


Get to know the Team - How can I contact the therapists?

Focus of Research

What are the main areas of research at the Psychotherapeutic Ambulance of the University of Siegen?

Helpful information and interesting facts

Background knowledge and useful links around the topic

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche

Psychotherapeutische Hochschulambulanz

Fürst-Johann-Moritz-Straße 8-10
57072 Siegen

Tel.:    +49 (0)271/740-5550

Die telefonischen Sprechzeiten finden Sie hier.

Außerhalb der telefonischen Sprechstundenzeiten ist eine Terminvereinbarung nur über das Kontaktformular möglich.